Good Morning 04/27/2024

Posted on Apr 27, 2024


Went out for some climbing yesterday afternoon, and suffice to say I felt like I was maxing out on V2s. I couldn’t get a good enough grip in some of them or something. Oh well, something felt off that day anyway.

I did go for a particularly easy V3, still couldn’t get it, but it’s on my radar as long as they don’t do a reset. I saw someone send it right before I left, so I have some beta on what to do. Something about splitting across to get the other (left) foot chip. Only one way to tell- going to plan on another visit probably Sunday or Tuesday?

Sobering up

I had my first beer in like a wee k and it’s really reminding me that I just don’t like to drink as much anymore. Sure it was one beer, but I’ve steered clear of alcohol for a good while and I just feel yucky just from that one last night. I know my limit is like 3-4, then I shouldn’t have anymore around me, but damn that one beer did hit me pretty well and hard.

It’s unlikely I’ll ever consider buying a drink again for “fun”. That wasn’t very relaxing.


Looked at trowels because they’re pretty neat and I found a few volunteer training digs I might want to join in on eventually. I know right? A geology fascinated girl getting in on an archaeological dig. I just enjoy entertaining myself with the potential options. And interests. It’s quite fun heh

Plan for the day

I was looking at going for a nice hike, depending on the mood of the weather. Though who knows about my mood, I only had six hours of sleep last night and one weird dream again. That beer probably didn’t help my sleep rhythm. Anyway I really want some delicious greasy breakfast. Gosh I miss the greasy spoons in New York City. Being able to meander down and out, across the street to grab some donuts and a plate of greasy potatoes. That or a nice bagel sandwich from a bodega. So good.

Right- back on track. Not exactly sure what the plan is for today. Again, a hike might be in order and maybe some good breakfast, then ??? we’ll just have to live it out and see. Stuff is getting expensive so I really try not to do stuff too crazy.

I have been considering making some sort of consistency for blog post structure. At least something for morning posts. Post about it, and much more, later!

With scrambled eggs and with empty beer can,